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How do you know that I am?

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This is not the place for such a discussion, read the book or ask the author...the intellect can analyze, judge, discern....the field we Enter with spirituality pertains to the intuition ...has nothing to do with academia....the intuition ( not the gut feeling) usually sees through mindstuff....

An antoent hindu proverb says: one ounce of practice is worth more than a ton of theories....I’m out..

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Why would you post about the book if you're uninterested in talking about it? That's odd, don't you think?

Having had out-of-body experiences, I'm not averse to talking about it, and since you're talking about it here already, why are you suddenly unwilling to do so? You even refer us to this book in the context of seeing through the fraud of the inoculations, in light of the dawning technocratic tyrannies pushed onto unwitting people. So there's obviously a relevance here that you see. I think it's relevant, but I'm also highly aware regarding the spirits, or rather all these extradimensional or immaterial or transmaterial forms of life that populate the worlds we do not see with our eyes and do not hear with our ears, that they do not always speak honestly. Do you disagree with that?

Maybe you and I are operating from different frequencies, but that doesn't mean you're worth more than I am or I am worth more than you, does it? And that we speak from different languages doesn't mean one is worth less than the other: the point is to learn to translate from ourselves to one another. If you feel I am not speaking to you from the heart, then I'll understand. I cannot make you unfeel what you choose to. I just want to hear and read from your own perspective what you have to think, what you recognize, and why you offer this. If you're unwilling to become vulnerable, that's a choice you make to withhold that heart from others.

Either way, I did just put two of his books on hold through my local library. Have you ever read, or listened to, Robert Monroe?

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NB. JvH autobiography is called Swan Wings.

Gopi Krishna’s is called Living with kundalini


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The trouble with this field is you have to experience it. Being out of the body doesn’t really help, I’ve been unknowingly about 70% out of my body (according to several clairvoyants...!!?) most of my life, and seen life from that perspective, meaning I have thought everyone else were like me and sensed like me. It has taken nearly a lifetime to realize this is not so. Personally I experienced the “ Mighty, spiritual being “ (in a split second) as grace. Searched for what my experience amounted to and found the answer from one nde’er, and I’m sure glad I did, thus I was sure my experience was Real. Incidentally I have also mentioned Rudolph Steiner. He died in 1925 and his followers have done much great work, but they still discuss his teachings among themselves and have been “ fractioned” because of Judith von Halle who got the stigmata in 2004. To me their discussions are erroneous and leads nearly nowhere, because often other esoteric practices are not really allowed inclusion. Mind you they are extremely eloquent and very well formulated, sharp I Call it....albeit intellectual, but great for teaching you mental structure, of which I have nearly none....Rudolph steiner’s great asset

is his biodynamical garden growth ( he can nearly grow anything anywhere) and his child upbringing system which was on par with Maria Montessori’s. Unfortunately with the teacher dies the teaching it is often said, so steinerism hasn’t really evolved much, but is a good anker if you can “ sift out the goodies” I’m not saying I can do that I am far too little versed Rudolph S. ( ricardo leppe in one of the fuellmich sessions is today verymuch further than today)

Anyhow....steiner is seen from steiners perspective just as the traditionalist Hopi’s have their “system” which I consider an initiation rite of passage, such is not the case with Hopis in general.....I’m sorry this is so long....As you Will read dannion, I highly recommend Judith von Halles autobiography part 1, as she awoke at year 2, had to invented her own spiritual language and had no tutors. It is one of the most interesting books I have read in this field and I believe her experience is extremely important for our future generations, as are all of Gopi Krishna’s books which are about the spiritual evolution of man...one of the most important things he has said though -in my opinion - is that you have to be just as knowledgeable in in the spiritual as in the material and that icomes from the vedas...Gopi Krishna is all about the brain and the nervous system, and he said: he writes for the future generations (died 1984) what he advocated - Scientific research into the aforementioned -was begun on a larger scale in the 1990’s...

I also believe that the work done by the likes of fuellmich and all the others like Monica etc. is highly spiritual work, so are the truckers .......etc....

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Of course i’ve listened to Robert Monroe, dannion brinkley is his favourite..this is Monica’s blog, not yours, nor mine....

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.....ancient hindu...

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