"How do you predict a food shortage? You plan it."
Sure. Just like the author pointed out, there are evil intentions.
Lots of ways to create a food shortage. One of them is to generate all kinds of artificial crises (like a big war in the Ukraine that causes a restriction of energy supplies to the west) that causes massive supply chain pro…
"How do you predict a food shortage? You plan it."
Sure. Just like the author pointed out, there are evil intentions.
Lots of ways to create a food shortage. One of them is to generate all kinds of artificial crises (like a big war in the Ukraine that causes a restriction of energy supplies to the west) that causes massive supply chain problems and creates a famine that kills a few hundred million people.
Even if that's true, it does not mean that Bill Gates killed 10,000 cows with voodoo.
I didn’t mention Bill Gates, but he’s most likely behind it since he’s buying up as much land as he can and seeds. He wants people to eat fake meat and bugs. Isn’t that special?
I never mentioned voodoo either. These things are very well thought out and executed.
Agreed! I also believe they’re spraying bioweapons on us.
They did this in the 50s in San Francisco and people became very ill with infections in their blood that ended up in their lungs. The government later admitted to it.
I never believed this was being spread person to person across the globe as they claim, nor do I believe the lab leak theory - a convenient scapegoat. I believe they are spraying this on the world.
Yes, they sprayed Serratia marcescens. It's mildly pathogenic and is found all over the place, including on your shower curtain, your sink drain, and probably in your colon and on your skin. It's everywhere.
Should they do it without peoples' consent? No. Obviously not.
It's possible that whatever was spread was done aerially. I've listened to Lee Merritt's stuff and find it interesting.
I’ve been around several people that were sick with “Covid” and did not get sick. I’ve even taken care of some, no gloves, no mask, lots of close contact. One had been vaccinated, one had not been. I have not been.
It's always that way with disease. Loads of stuff written on exactly this phenomenon in the 1918 influenza pandemic, and of course, there are many plausible hypotheses that would explain it that are consistent with both terrain and germ theory, which do not need to be mutually exclusive.
My Maternal grandmother never got sick once, even when I had strep or mono or any of her other 8 grandchildren were sick with something. She ate an ancestral diet, took no flu shots, no medications and lived to 99.5! A very healthy microbio but she was born in 1901 one before our environment and food was as toxic as it is now.
"How do you predict a food shortage? You plan it."
Sure. Just like the author pointed out, there are evil intentions.
Lots of ways to create a food shortage. One of them is to generate all kinds of artificial crises (like a big war in the Ukraine that causes a restriction of energy supplies to the west) that causes massive supply chain problems and creates a famine that kills a few hundred million people.
Even if that's true, it does not mean that Bill Gates killed 10,000 cows with voodoo.
I didn’t mention Bill Gates, but he’s most likely behind it since he’s buying up as much land as he can and seeds. He wants people to eat fake meat and bugs. Isn’t that special?
I never mentioned voodoo either. These things are very well thought out and executed.
or those pulling his strings.
pretty sure things could be sprayed/put in water ectr.
Me too. There are all kinds of things that are hypothetically and realistically possible.
But I'm gonna need more than that to believe. Different people have different thresholds for belief.
I’ve been hearing about the food shortages from Multiple sources I trust, since May of 2020, so I do believe it.
Agreed! I also believe they’re spraying bioweapons on us.
They did this in the 50s in San Francisco and people became very ill with infections in their blood that ended up in their lungs. The government later admitted to it.
I never believed this was being spread person to person across the globe as they claim, nor do I believe the lab leak theory - a convenient scapegoat. I believe they are spraying this on the world.
Yes, they sprayed Serratia marcescens. It's mildly pathogenic and is found all over the place, including on your shower curtain, your sink drain, and probably in your colon and on your skin. It's everywhere.
Should they do it without peoples' consent? No. Obviously not.
It's possible that whatever was spread was done aerially. I've listened to Lee Merritt's stuff and find it interesting.
Even Neil Oliver is talking about it.
I’ve been around several people that were sick with “Covid” and did not get sick. I’ve even taken care of some, no gloves, no mask, lots of close contact. One had been vaccinated, one had not been. I have not been.
It's always that way with disease. Loads of stuff written on exactly this phenomenon in the 1918 influenza pandemic, and of course, there are many plausible hypotheses that would explain it that are consistent with both terrain and germ theory, which do not need to be mutually exclusive.
My Maternal grandmother never got sick once, even when I had strep or mono or any of her other 8 grandchildren were sick with something. She ate an ancestral diet, took no flu shots, no medications and lived to 99.5! A very healthy microbio but she was born in 1901 one before our environment and food was as toxic as it is now.