Hi Monica, former biology lab director here (though for non-science majors at Temple University Japan). I agree with most of your posts and love your politics, but I read through some of the comments to the rancher's YouTube, and one excellent point made by a zoologist (only self-identified) was that there was no bell curve for deaths of the weakest of the herd first. It was massive, and sudden, and as the YouTube rancher said ... there are other places much hotter that have not resulted in such complete and sudden die-offs. Taken as part of a deliberate gutting of supply lines and supplies for daily living all over the world, something smells a little fishy here. On the other hand, I just saw Harald's reference to dead parrots. I like that angle too. Cheers from Japan, and keep up the good fight.
Thank you. "Our side" is unfortunately prove to falling for what really are unfounded conspiracy theories. However the answer is just what you've done here, inject reality into the conversation, not censorship.
Yes but an awful lot of conspiracy theories have, or are, coming true over these last 2+ years. I’m not necessarily making that case in this circumstance, but could any of us imagined, circa 2019, what we have been subjected to physically/mentally/emotionally since? Much of which @ the time was suppressed, deplatformed, derided as conspiracy theory, right wing extremism, etc.
Yes, that was something I was going to add in my comment. It's not surprising that weird theories make their way in given all the strange things that have actually happened. Nothing wrong with evaluating them, either - only the anti-science crowd believes in shutting down contrary ideas. We just have to keep our critical thinking faculties well-honed and evaluate all evidence pro and con before deciding on whether something is likely true.
They've created in me a questioning monster. I don't believe anything they say, not one thing. And when something doesn't make sense, there is another explanation. Perhaps these cattle were the test group. Directed energy weapons? 5G? Electromagnetic waves? Who knows. But all dead at one time is highly suspect - and I'm not buying what they're selling. I know they want to supercharge climate change as the culprit everywhere we look, so this might just be an opening salvo. Remember this - liars gonna lie - and people will take money to further the lie. So there's that.
Let me give you an example of an energy weapons hypothesis I heard over 5 years ago with regard to forest fires. I saw it on Facebook.
A guy provided overhead footage showing that all the houses in a residential neighborhood were almost completely vaporized, while the residential trees were fine. This was supposedly evidence of directed energy weapons destroying a local neighborhood instead of a fire.
I pointed out the fact that all the trees in the area were not coniferous (with lower water content), but were deciduous. And that lumber is like dry timber in comparison, even worse than coniferous trees.
With a fast moving fire that gets the dry timber first, it would make sense that the wetter stuff would fail to ignite.
Many things are complex in real life. Geo-engineering is a real thing, of course. But I don't think they are trying to poison us with chemtrails.
They are planning all kinds of evil stuff. But generally, alternative hypotheses are more believable when a mechanism is provided. Otherwise it begins to sound a lot like we're returning to the Dark Ages, with the miasma theory of disease, curses, and mystical powers of the all powerful gods. (See Joel Fleischman video on my prior post.)
Example. The pandemic caused massive changes in food processing due to the shift in at-home eating: they were often adding third shifts at these factories with no time over 2 years for downtime and maintenance as would regularly occur. This lack of maintenance on equipment would have an effect on safety at these processing plants.
Again. Two things can be true at the same time.
In the same vein, I don't find the radiation or Snake Venom hypotheses of disease transmission to be persuasive. It doesn't mean aspects of the pandemic weren't highly planned.
Two farmers responded to my tweet about this and they said farming has been in their family for 100 years and this has never happened, even when it’s been hotter.
This is also my gut instinct/intuition speaking, which is what I mostly rely on, and how I knew Covid was planned and didn’t ever consider lining up for the poison shots.
I study under a Harvard PhD and a Yale MD and they both bought into the agenda, hook line and sinker. I no longer look up to anybody. Follow my God-given intuition, instead. As a mother to four daughters, it has come in very handy.
Monica even some farmers that sell their steers every year have never seen a large feedlot. Their steers are loaded locally on a truck and farmer collects. Shipping is stressful. Then, once steers get settled at feedlot, they are offered a highly engineered equivalent of a buffet every day. As much as they can eat. Way different than pasture or range. The chimera lives in many human hearts nowadays, and they jump at their own shadows. These humans are not "sheep level". But they have been betrayed too long. Many will not hear you. Please keep being another voice in the wilderness anyway. I'm gonna.,
"How do you predict a food shortage? You plan it."
Sure. Just like the author pointed out, there are evil intentions.
Lots of ways to create a food shortage. One of them is to generate all kinds of artificial crises (like a big war in the Ukraine that causes a restriction of energy supplies to the west) that causes massive supply chain problems and creates a famine that kills a few hundred million people.
Even if that's true, it does not mean that Bill Gates killed 10,000 cows with voodoo.
I didn’t mention Bill Gates, but he’s most likely behind it since he’s buying up as much land as he can and seeds. He wants people to eat fake meat and bugs. Isn’t that special?
I never mentioned voodoo either. These things are very well thought out and executed.
Agreed! I also believe they’re spraying bioweapons on us.
They did this in the 50s in San Francisco and people became very ill with infections in their blood that ended up in their lungs. The government later admitted to it.
I never believed this was being spread person to person across the globe as they claim, nor do I believe the lab leak theory - a convenient scapegoat. I believe they are spraying this on the world.
Yes, they sprayed Serratia marcescens. It's mildly pathogenic and is found all over the place, including on your shower curtain, your sink drain, and probably in your colon and on your skin. It's everywhere.
Should they do it without peoples' consent? No. Obviously not.
It's possible that whatever was spread was done aerially. I've listened to Lee Merritt's stuff and find it interesting.
I’ve been around several people that were sick with “Covid” and did not get sick. I’ve even taken care of some, no gloves, no mask, lots of close contact. One had been vaccinated, one had not been. I have not been.
It's always that way with disease. Loads of stuff written on exactly this phenomenon in the 1918 influenza pandemic, and of course, there are many plausible hypotheses that would explain it that are consistent with both terrain and germ theory, which do not need to be mutually exclusive.
My Maternal grandmother never got sick once, even when I had strep or mono or any of her other 8 grandchildren were sick with something. She ate an ancestral diet, took no flu shots, no medications and lived to 99.5! A very healthy microbio but she was born in 1901 one before our environment and food was as toxic as it is now.
Having read "Hell West & Crooked" I knew they are ok as long as they have sufficient coolish water. I wasn't convinced about anthrax, so I checked a site run by the folk who should know a bit more about this than me!
"He says the scenario is similar to the impact of a natural disaster. While feedlots did everything possible to prepare and provide cattle relief, the climate conditions meant the cattle didn't have a chance to cool down, and in some cases, the internal temperature rose too much, which caused the rare losses.
“During these bouts of extreme heat, the cattle can't dissipate the heat at night because there's not night cooling," Thomson says. “And so this perfect storm, it's no different than a tornado hitting a cattle feeding facility or a derecho. We have these natural disasters.”"
We are living in an age where “conspiracy theories” aren’t just theories anymore. (Except I’m sticking with Evolution as still being a theory.) New World Order, Great Reset, population control, Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, Disney and Schools grooming kids to be LGBTQ+, Soros bought over 50 city district attorneys to turn America into a crime filled hellhole, Open borders, fentanyl deaths, etc etc. There is a lot of truth in all of the above!
so the powers that be should be performing autopsies to look for viral infection, or some other cause that would make 100+F temperatures kill cattle? guess their antibiotic injections and vaccines failed to protect them (not surprising.)
the NOAA temperature records from last June in the Wichita area aren't any lower than before those 10K head of cattle died and there was no similar mass die off last year. see the "warmest temperatures" image on this page: https://www.weather.gov/ict/June2021Climate
if I could post pictures here, I'd have included the one for last June's "warmest temperatures" from the link I posted. As I specified in that post, I wasn't referring to averages. a large portion of the map was over 100° F last June with a maximum recorded of 108.
I have traveled through the feedlots in the past. You could smell them miles away. It was terrible. Although I like lower prices, I believe that we need to eliminate the feed lots, as well as the monocultural and GMO farming, and revitalize the soils by regenerative farming practices. The buying up of farming land by BG and other elites smells of monopoly of food supply coming soon. We need to make this buying up of farmland/ and vital waterways in such a large amount illegal. The courts ought to make those who have bought up monopoly amounts to be dispersed to those who have been wrongly discharged from the military for noncompliance of suicidal actions. Those ex-military should be trained in developing regenerative farms.
Separating grazing animals physically from grain production and sequestering them in feed lots to fatten them up on grain byproducts isn’t as efficient as it is made out to be. New research is showing that desertification can be stopped, and reversed even, managing grazing. The invention of chemical fertilizers is hailed as revolutionary, in a good way, but it has led to lazy agricultural practices that degrade soil and fill our waterways with toxic runoff that chokes everything with algae blooms and invasive plants. Bill Gates in encouraging a plant based diet supplemented with bugs seems to want to exacerbate this trend into turning everything into a wasteland (soil has been lost at an incredible rate).
There were huge numbers of buffalo here on unfenced pastures and the soil in the prairie was meters deep. How many dustbowls must we create before we recognize that grazing herds are vital? Fencing everything, from Africa to the midwest of the US and chopping down every ecosystem, cuts off migration routes of animals whose hooves and manure keep soils healthy and productive.
Droughts in the west are getting worse and worse as we pump water out of aquifers to use not in watering trees or other perennial plants, but to frack? Trees are a huge part of the water cycle. Cutting them down to replace them with tract homes and lawns, which are also watered with what should be drinking water, does not support a healthy water cycle and we are watching that happen, without recognizing that it’s not just carbon that influences climate change.
Massive poisoning was my first thought and the most likely in a scenario like this. Put it in the feed or water and voila the whole herd succumbs. It could have been accidental or intentional. Toxicology needs to be conducted along with any autopsies if any are conducted.
Just considered microwave killing...they could just aim enuf rays at them...(enclosed lot?) to kill them with little evidence.....so, that or just poisoning. Poor effing cows.
there's been talk about culling cattle here in ireland, where most land is grass/not suited for plant ag and excellent beef/lamb is being produced locally/sustainably.
Hi Monica, former biology lab director here (though for non-science majors at Temple University Japan). I agree with most of your posts and love your politics, but I read through some of the comments to the rancher's YouTube, and one excellent point made by a zoologist (only self-identified) was that there was no bell curve for deaths of the weakest of the herd first. It was massive, and sudden, and as the YouTube rancher said ... there are other places much hotter that have not resulted in such complete and sudden die-offs. Taken as part of a deliberate gutting of supply lines and supplies for daily living all over the world, something smells a little fishy here. On the other hand, I just saw Harald's reference to dead parrots. I like that angle too. Cheers from Japan, and keep up the good fight.
p.s. Just watched another video from a farmer in Kansas agreeing with Monica's take on the cattle deaths. I stand corrected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-9-qNahaU0
It was a feedlot, not a pasture, and there was no nighttime temp drop as normally happens. There are 1+ million cattle in this area.
Yep. You appear to be right. Just watched this video confirming your points ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-9-qNahaU0
Thank you. "Our side" is unfortunately prove to falling for what really are unfounded conspiracy theories. However the answer is just what you've done here, inject reality into the conversation, not censorship.
Yes but an awful lot of conspiracy theories have, or are, coming true over these last 2+ years. I’m not necessarily making that case in this circumstance, but could any of us imagined, circa 2019, what we have been subjected to physically/mentally/emotionally since? Much of which @ the time was suppressed, deplatformed, derided as conspiracy theory, right wing extremism, etc.
Yes, that was something I was going to add in my comment. It's not surprising that weird theories make their way in given all the strange things that have actually happened. Nothing wrong with evaluating them, either - only the anti-science crowd believes in shutting down contrary ideas. We just have to keep our critical thinking faculties well-honed and evaluate all evidence pro and con before deciding on whether something is likely true.
They've created in me a questioning monster. I don't believe anything they say, not one thing. And when something doesn't make sense, there is another explanation. Perhaps these cattle were the test group. Directed energy weapons? 5G? Electromagnetic waves? Who knows. But all dead at one time is highly suspect - and I'm not buying what they're selling. I know they want to supercharge climate change as the culprit everywhere we look, so this might just be an opening salvo. Remember this - liars gonna lie - and people will take money to further the lie. So there's that.
Let me give you an example of an energy weapons hypothesis I heard over 5 years ago with regard to forest fires. I saw it on Facebook.
A guy provided overhead footage showing that all the houses in a residential neighborhood were almost completely vaporized, while the residential trees were fine. This was supposedly evidence of directed energy weapons destroying a local neighborhood instead of a fire.
I pointed out the fact that all the trees in the area were not coniferous (with lower water content), but were deciduous. And that lumber is like dry timber in comparison, even worse than coniferous trees.
With a fast moving fire that gets the dry timber first, it would make sense that the wetter stuff would fail to ignite.
Many things are complex in real life. Geo-engineering is a real thing, of course. But I don't think they are trying to poison us with chemtrails.
Just my two cents.
There you go!!! It looked exactly like that.
Lol, balance in everything. Even humour and death. Except Bill Gates hating. Can never be too much hatin on old Bill 😉😂🤣🤪
I disagree. Same happened to sheep. How do you predict a food shortage? You plan it.
I also read that 100 food factories have burned down since 2021.
“Nothing happens in politics that isn’t planned.”
They are planning all kinds of evil stuff. But generally, alternative hypotheses are more believable when a mechanism is provided. Otherwise it begins to sound a lot like we're returning to the Dark Ages, with the miasma theory of disease, curses, and mystical powers of the all powerful gods. (See Joel Fleischman video on my prior post.)
Example. The pandemic caused massive changes in food processing due to the shift in at-home eating: they were often adding third shifts at these factories with no time over 2 years for downtime and maintenance as would regularly occur. This lack of maintenance on equipment would have an effect on safety at these processing plants.
Again. Two things can be true at the same time.
In the same vein, I don't find the radiation or Snake Venom hypotheses of disease transmission to be persuasive. It doesn't mean aspects of the pandemic weren't highly planned.
Two farmers responded to my tweet about this and they said farming has been in their family for 100 years and this has never happened, even when it’s been hotter.
This is also my gut instinct/intuition speaking, which is what I mostly rely on, and how I knew Covid was planned and didn’t ever consider lining up for the poison shots.
I study under a Harvard PhD and a Yale MD and they both bought into the agenda, hook line and sinker. I no longer look up to anybody. Follow my God-given intuition, instead. As a mother to four daughters, it has come in very handy.
Monica even some farmers that sell their steers every year have never seen a large feedlot. Their steers are loaded locally on a truck and farmer collects. Shipping is stressful. Then, once steers get settled at feedlot, they are offered a highly engineered equivalent of a buffet every day. As much as they can eat. Way different than pasture or range. The chimera lives in many human hearts nowadays, and they jump at their own shadows. These humans are not "sheep level". But they have been betrayed too long. Many will not hear you. Please keep being another voice in the wilderness anyway. I'm gonna.,
"How do you predict a food shortage? You plan it."
Sure. Just like the author pointed out, there are evil intentions.
Lots of ways to create a food shortage. One of them is to generate all kinds of artificial crises (like a big war in the Ukraine that causes a restriction of energy supplies to the west) that causes massive supply chain problems and creates a famine that kills a few hundred million people.
Even if that's true, it does not mean that Bill Gates killed 10,000 cows with voodoo.
I didn’t mention Bill Gates, but he’s most likely behind it since he’s buying up as much land as he can and seeds. He wants people to eat fake meat and bugs. Isn’t that special?
I never mentioned voodoo either. These things are very well thought out and executed.
or those pulling his strings.
pretty sure things could be sprayed/put in water ectr.
Me too. There are all kinds of things that are hypothetically and realistically possible.
But I'm gonna need more than that to believe. Different people have different thresholds for belief.
I’ve been hearing about the food shortages from Multiple sources I trust, since May of 2020, so I do believe it.
Agreed! I also believe they’re spraying bioweapons on us.
They did this in the 50s in San Francisco and people became very ill with infections in their blood that ended up in their lungs. The government later admitted to it.
I never believed this was being spread person to person across the globe as they claim, nor do I believe the lab leak theory - a convenient scapegoat. I believe they are spraying this on the world.
Yes, they sprayed Serratia marcescens. It's mildly pathogenic and is found all over the place, including on your shower curtain, your sink drain, and probably in your colon and on your skin. It's everywhere.
Should they do it without peoples' consent? No. Obviously not.
It's possible that whatever was spread was done aerially. I've listened to Lee Merritt's stuff and find it interesting.
Even Neil Oliver is talking about it.
I’ve been around several people that were sick with “Covid” and did not get sick. I’ve even taken care of some, no gloves, no mask, lots of close contact. One had been vaccinated, one had not been. I have not been.
It's always that way with disease. Loads of stuff written on exactly this phenomenon in the 1918 influenza pandemic, and of course, there are many plausible hypotheses that would explain it that are consistent with both terrain and germ theory, which do not need to be mutually exclusive.
My Maternal grandmother never got sick once, even when I had strep or mono or any of her other 8 grandchildren were sick with something. She ate an ancestral diet, took no flu shots, no medications and lived to 99.5! A very healthy microbio but she was born in 1901 one before our environment and food was as toxic as it is now.
Having read "Hell West & Crooked" I knew they are ok as long as they have sufficient coolish water. I wasn't convinced about anthrax, so I checked a site run by the folk who should know a bit more about this than me!
"He says the scenario is similar to the impact of a natural disaster. While feedlots did everything possible to prepare and provide cattle relief, the climate conditions meant the cattle didn't have a chance to cool down, and in some cases, the internal temperature rose too much, which caused the rare losses.
“During these bouts of extreme heat, the cattle can't dissipate the heat at night because there's not night cooling," Thomson says. “And so this perfect storm, it's no different than a tornado hitting a cattle feeding facility or a derecho. We have these natural disasters.”"
This is what seems most plausible to me.
To paraphrase Monty Python - “they’re not dead. They’re sleeping.”
Ex-parrots, uh ... cattle. 🤣
"Sometimes I think people on this newsletter don’t really get my humor."
I have this problem once in a while. All you can do is enjoy yourself, then make a correction or two. Sigh.
We are living in an age where “conspiracy theories” aren’t just theories anymore. (Except I’m sticking with Evolution as still being a theory.) New World Order, Great Reset, population control, Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, Disney and Schools grooming kids to be LGBTQ+, Soros bought over 50 city district attorneys to turn America into a crime filled hellhole, Open borders, fentanyl deaths, etc etc. There is a lot of truth in all of the above!
Oh I missed planned famines and food shortages!
Bio Safety level 4 research in Manhattan Kansas. Near where this took place. Makes one wonder. Created 2015.
so the powers that be should be performing autopsies to look for viral infection, or some other cause that would make 100+F temperatures kill cattle? guess their antibiotic injections and vaccines failed to protect them (not surprising.)
the NOAA temperature records from last June in the Wichita area aren't any lower than before those 10K head of cattle died and there was no similar mass die off last year. see the "warmest temperatures" image on this page: https://www.weather.gov/ict/June2021Climate
It's not about average temperatures, as the article points out.
if I could post pictures here, I'd have included the one for last June's "warmest temperatures" from the link I posted. As I specified in that post, I wasn't referring to averages. a large portion of the map was over 100° F last June with a maximum recorded of 108.
I have traveled through the feedlots in the past. You could smell them miles away. It was terrible. Although I like lower prices, I believe that we need to eliminate the feed lots, as well as the monocultural and GMO farming, and revitalize the soils by regenerative farming practices. The buying up of farming land by BG and other elites smells of monopoly of food supply coming soon. We need to make this buying up of farmland/ and vital waterways in such a large amount illegal. The courts ought to make those who have bought up monopoly amounts to be dispersed to those who have been wrongly discharged from the military for noncompliance of suicidal actions. Those ex-military should be trained in developing regenerative farms.
Separating grazing animals physically from grain production and sequestering them in feed lots to fatten them up on grain byproducts isn’t as efficient as it is made out to be. New research is showing that desertification can be stopped, and reversed even, managing grazing. The invention of chemical fertilizers is hailed as revolutionary, in a good way, but it has led to lazy agricultural practices that degrade soil and fill our waterways with toxic runoff that chokes everything with algae blooms and invasive plants. Bill Gates in encouraging a plant based diet supplemented with bugs seems to want to exacerbate this trend into turning everything into a wasteland (soil has been lost at an incredible rate).
There were huge numbers of buffalo here on unfenced pastures and the soil in the prairie was meters deep. How many dustbowls must we create before we recognize that grazing herds are vital? Fencing everything, from Africa to the midwest of the US and chopping down every ecosystem, cuts off migration routes of animals whose hooves and manure keep soils healthy and productive.
Droughts in the west are getting worse and worse as we pump water out of aquifers to use not in watering trees or other perennial plants, but to frack? Trees are a huge part of the water cycle. Cutting them down to replace them with tract homes and lawns, which are also watered with what should be drinking water, does not support a healthy water cycle and we are watching that happen, without recognizing that it’s not just carbon that influences climate change.
Massive poisoning was my first thought and the most likely in a scenario like this. Put it in the feed or water and voila the whole herd succumbs. It could have been accidental or intentional. Toxicology needs to be conducted along with any autopsies if any are conducted.
Just considered microwave killing...they could just aim enuf rays at them...(enclosed lot?) to kill them with little evidence.....so, that or just poisoning. Poor effing cows.
Of course they will never do those studies…
there's been talk about culling cattle here in ireland, where most land is grass/not suited for plant ag and excellent beef/lamb is being produced locally/sustainably.
It's all Putin's fault!
Everything is…right? 😉