Sometimes I think people on this newsletter don’t really get my humor. I don’t think Bill Gates killed the cattle, anymore than I think viruses are nonexistent or that energy weapons are responsible for forest fires.
I just have a sick and ironic sense of humor, and often, I don’t have the energy for anything else besides generating a few laughs.
This cattle rancher has an excellent take:
Imagine that you weigh 1200+ pounds, have a giant fermentation vat inside your belly, and you are in a pen in SW Kansas, and the heat index is 105 degrees. Now, let’s also say that you have a low-grade respiratory virus, and thus you can’t purge heat as quickly as you should through respiration, and you are wearing a black fur coat.
You gonna die.
This isn’t Bill Gates killing cattle. Not that Bill Gates isn’t one of the most evil men alive, worthy of capital crimes against humanity trial and punishment, nor that he isn’t trying to eliminate meat and essentially control the food supply. He is. But 10,000 deads in a triple-digit heatwave in western Kansas isn’t a nefarious “Mass Die-off” that will cripple the beef supply. It simply isn’t. This has happened before – much worse, in fact- and will happen again. Heat death loss is a calculated and accounted-for risk in cattle feeding. As is death loss from blizzards and ice storms. It’s part of the deal.
So there you go, folks.
Yes, they really are out to get us. But two things can be true at the same time.
Let’s pull our heads out of our collective asses and put our common sense thinking caps on. This has been a public service announcement. Thanks.
Hi Monica, former biology lab director here (though for non-science majors at Temple University Japan). I agree with most of your posts and love your politics, but I read through some of the comments to the rancher's YouTube, and one excellent point made by a zoologist (only self-identified) was that there was no bell curve for deaths of the weakest of the herd first. It was massive, and sudden, and as the YouTube rancher said ... there are other places much hotter that have not resulted in such complete and sudden die-offs. Taken as part of a deliberate gutting of supply lines and supplies for daily living all over the world, something smells a little fishy here. On the other hand, I just saw Harald's reference to dead parrots. I like that angle too. Cheers from Japan, and keep up the good fight.
p.s. Just watched another video from a farmer in Kansas agreeing with Monica's take on the cattle deaths. I stand corrected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-9-qNahaU0
Thank you. "Our side" is unfortunately prove to falling for what really are unfounded conspiracy theories. However the answer is just what you've done here, inject reality into the conversation, not censorship.