Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Here is how I knew. 4 ways.

1. The government was involved.

2. The government was involved.

3. I once had a medical malpractice case with a client who was on a EUA drug. So I had to learn all about what that involved. So I knew from the very beginning that they were breaking every rule that governed EUAs.

4. The government was involved.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

For me the red flags came early.

In 2020 I was living overseas. We watched the initial Chinese lockdown with detached curiosity - the CCP is brutal & totalitarian, everyone knows that.

But when the news came of the first lockdowns in America, I turned to a friend and said: "This isn't public health - it's a coup!"

Later that spring, when the first lockdown hit us, an older European friend said to me: "They're trying to kill us." She was right.

Then like you said, all the creepy vaxx-is-savior propaganda, the bribes, the lockstep media support, the brazen censorship of dissent. Then the QR codes and the sudden coercion. While more and more rumors of adverse events. The obvious violation of every national constitution, all established law, the Nuremberg Code, etc etc etc.

When they called out the army to enforce a new lockdown, I bailed out back to the States. And glad I did. Thank God for America, the 2nd Amendment, Florida, and national hero Governor DeSantis.

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Great points, Monica! There certainly were a lot of red flags. I too found the 'safe and effective' mantra troubling, and the demonisation of drugs like ivermectin, which I had given to patients pre-pandemic, as a nurse. Whether people thought it worked or not, it was extremely concerning to see how it was referred to in the media as 'horse de-wormer', even by actual doctors (or more accurately, health bureaucrats). I totally agree about the early 'incentives' too, that really bothered me. It struck me as unethical and I worried for others, while also being really angry that they thought I would change my mind about something so serious, for a lottery ticket (or similar). It offended me, but obviously worked on some people, so I guess the powers that be would call that a win. By the time they'd changed gears to full-blown coercion, everything around me looked different. My country, my government, my profession, some of my colleagues, and even certain friends and family. Granted some of this never changed, it was simply the disintegration of my own naivety. But when I realised this decision had the power to change my relationships, my freedom of bodily autonomy, my freedom of movement and my financial independence, the height of the stakes became clear. We've (all) lost a lot, but for me, the decision was without a doubt the right one.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

LOL. Indeed. By dumb luck, or maybe God’s will, I had a built in advantage that probably only a very few people had. After I retired from ATT in 2001 I did contract legal work. I had a good IT background and hence, was better than most lawyers at using the internet and all of the new research tools that were coming online. Plus I was a good writer and had a knack for distilling complex issues into lawyer language. So I got a lot of work doing research for other attorneys, writing briefs, pleadings, issue summaries etc. I also was part owner of a small IT firm (this will fit into the sailing stories at some point) and we had some phenomenal IT guys who could help me deconstruct databases. Anyway, In 2007 I was contracted to do research for a trial lawyer who was suing a hospital and the individual practitioners involved, on behalf of the estate of a guy who went into cardiac arrest and died while having a colonoscopy performed. During the initial round of interrogatories the hospital

provided a list of drugs the deceased was taking, brand name and generic. One of them only had a generic name and so answers to the 2nd round of interrogatories revealed that the drug had no brand name as it was authorized under an EUA. The legal team (who did only medical malpractice) had no idea what that meant. So they hired me to research all of it and I drafted an 8 page summary of what it meant, what it was, the process, the rules, the authorizing statute, 10 US Code 1107a Sec 564 and amendments (EUA law first passed in 1938). Ultimately they determined that the drug had no bearing on the case (and they lost in a jury trial which I thought was the correct decision). But I got paid for my work, learned a lot of stuff I did not know, and filed it in the storage section of my brain, in the unlikely event the knowledge would be useful in the future. Little did I know that 13 years later I would dredge up that long forgotten knowledge and be among some of the first people standing in the breach. So right from the start, I knew that the FDA was in violation of numerous provisions of both the statute and their own administrative provisions. The violations are numerous, but the two that sent up the big red flag for me were (1) the informed consent requirement, which includes full informed consent, in writing, with a full list of potential adverse events, probability of same with both relative and absolute risk spelled out in %s and incidents; and (2) that there could be no incentive, coercion, or mandate for an individual who was considering taking an EUA drug.

I was already full on skeptical about the entire Covid issue and as I wrote to my dad in mid February 2020 “I smell a rat.”

I provided this information to all members of our small family. Sadly, only my wife, my youngest son, and his wife decided to stand with me in the breach. Even sadder is that my perfectly healthy 94 year old father died 10 months after his first jab, from Stage 4 bladder cancer which was not present in January 2021, but by July he was in a nursing home on morphine, by October in hospice, (where they made him take a booster and a flu shot at the same time, even though he said he did not want them) and dead by the end of November. The Onco’s answer to my question…no the jabs had nothing to do with it. These things happen to older people with worn out immune systems. Right.

And maybe even sadder for the future is that my oldest son (36) had a bad reaction to the first jab, a worse reaction to the 2nd, and still took the booster and ended up in ER a few days later with a blocked colon. He has had terrible gastro issues ever since and if I had to guess, he’s gonna be in serious trouble someday. I hope I’m dead before that happens.

Anyway, you write to me with a one word post and I respond with a novel.

I hope you got my prior note. We are working on the next adventure. More to come. I love Substack but I don’t like that one can’t add a picture. I’d send you a couple of the boat.

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I'll have to admit, initially I didn't think anything about the vaccine except that "I will consider it in 10 years" until on some radio show, maybe David Webb, I heard mRNA mentioned. This was before it was near release but the comment I made was "What? Do they want to kill everyone?"

I knew a little about the spectacular mRNA vaccine failures in chickens.

I was deep into all the theories about the virus itself, but was particularly amazed how the patients in nursing homes with chronic lung complaints, COPD, Emphysema, Asthma, former cancer patients, all had a lower death rate than before the virus was even detected.

Illogical when the early data suggested these patients would be the first to die secondary to severe viral disease. Of course these patients suffer all the co-morbidities all the other patients have, so what made them different from all the other patients?

Inhaled corticosteroids!

I also knew, especially because of a doctor friend that took regular trips to Africa, that Quinine derivatives were effective against SARS because Anthony Fauci's research in 2005 or so.

Therefore, HCQ was on my radar but ivermectin was not. And of course, Zinc, Z-PAK, Vit D, and so forth.

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Love from NZ, sorry we have lost you <3... I have always been against GE (+ tactics used against those who dissent against it) tho' I remained interested, it became clear early on this was not about science or even the wonders of mRNA, it was about fear, manipulation and compliance.

PS. Have you heard about a new court case in NZ, they have four days to raise rest of funds -summary | Pfizer switched out two ingredients and didn't provide any new safety data "so Kiwi kids are getting jabbed with a product different to the formulation that was approved by Medsafe" - here is a link to more information - that should matter shouldn't it? https://hatchardreport.com/could-this-be-new-zealands-most-important-covid-court-case-to-date/

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

I’m just stunned that people could not see through the childish propaganda, bribery, social manipulation and, ultimately, attempted (and, in some quarters, actual) force.

Was the clearly contrived offensive against innocuous, repurposed drugs not a glaring warning? How does this make sense: “Absolutely do not take one of the safest drugs in the world in an attempt to treat “Covid”, because it might not work. Instead, sit at home in misery and do nothing until you need to be hospitalized”? Is that not the most bizarre argument of all time? How could people not smell the bullshit? It was so shrill, so strident, so lacking in nuance or balanced consideration of alternatives (sort of like “Ukraine” but that’s for another time) that it was obviously highly suspect.

They (allegedly) developed the original “vaccine” in some 100 or so days. We’ve had “O’Micron” for 100 days. Why no O’Micron-specific shot? Does that not strike the man in the street as odd? Maybe the speed (or the timeline) was warped in a way that they’re not telling us: Like maybe the 100 days was actually quite a bit longer, say at least a year?

So many things, and not just about the wax scene seemed off — masking, lockdowns, the whole enchilada just stunk. There was absolutely no way I was joining the herd of lemmings rushing off the edge of the cliff and taking an experimental injection (or even foolishly wearing a mask) for an illness that, right from the start, was known to have a ‘flu-like IFR and for which the median age of death exceeded average life expectancy.

Not just no way, but no damn way.

To me it was an obvious scam almost from day 1. But then my exposure to TV is generally ambient: I don’t have a TV and get about 30 minutes involuntarily exposure once a week on “breakfast Fridays”. So maybe that helped. [The diner used to have the TV on a “news” station. Since “Ukraine” the TV has been off. I think they’re starting to get it. The diner was a mask speakeasy through the darkest of days of mask madness.]

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When did you realize that Jacinda Ardern was a pawn in Klaus's scheme?

(Sort of an assumptive question, maybe I should ask it more generally, but it's Sinister Realization #2 after the injections are debunked, I guess.)

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD


“… one should not override the body’s natural defenses against mRNA. This is a HIGHLY conserved defense among almost all organisms, including bacteria. If a defense is that highly conserved, it is very important to survival. To override it is a VERY bad idea. Basic evolutionary logic. Evolution is always at the forefront of my mind.”

Where to learn more? Thank you.

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I aped in at first. But since my ma was skeptical, I thought I’d do the research to find out what was the safest vax choice. And the more I looked into it, the more sus everything looked. And then I happened upon a video of Bobby Kennedy talking about Fauci and the things he was saying, they rang true on the inside. I had noticed certain Fauci micro expressions that I felt confirmed RFK Jr.’s accusations. So I thought I’d wait and see what happens. And then, just like you, I noted the insanity of bribes, songs and dance, virtue signaling, tribal mentality, and in the end, coercion. I went full dive and started reading everything. Signed up to so many Substacks. Started my own. Everyone I knew was jabbed so I figured that was gonna be my audience - folks who are just now starting to question what is going on. My mother and I were the only ones in my circle that resisted. I lost friends. I saved my children from being jabbed with it. Luckily, they were under 18 and I could make that decision for them. Now, some friends are coming around with questions. They turn to me because I was vocal and left the door open. People contacted me privately and asked that I not out them. So much fear going against your tribe.

The tide started shifting sometime last October. Even over zealous jabbers are withholding on jabbing their little ones now. I think it’s gonna be harder to fool as many people as before.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

Back in the day when I would see lines for FLU shots, a little voice in my head said...the medgov could put anything in those vials....and lo and behold, they did. Shock and suprise, not.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

I know the jabs are evil and are designed to depopulate our world and/or are bio-weapons that have been delivered to the world by the Chinese with support from the NWO. Science can be our destroyer and it can also be our savior. I've lived in the era when the polio vaccines eradicated polio that was devastating for the kids who were slightly older than me during the early 1950's (I'm 73). If it weren't for "good" science, I'd be one of the kids who lived their lives in iron lung machines. So sad to see " bad" science killing and injuring masses of adults and now the young in today's world.

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Jun 18, 2022Liked by Monica Hughes PhD

OT Monica..no Fucks left to give! Last Refugee https://youtu.be/_XdLNqWYgGI

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I worked 3 years for a Chinese company I won't name here,and learned up close what they think of the rest of the world (especially the U.S. ) I was kind of surprised at the vitriol that was freely shared at work for us, and their own underlings,so I was immediately suspicious of anything from them before all of this. Hate anything over my mouth and nose, so I was defiant from day one on that . I did take the j&j one dose in april 2021, got sick at the end of May for about 3 weeks and no trouble since, but was on the "vitamin protocol" with ivermectin for a while. I also am on inhaled corticosteroids , so I lucked out there. Was under pressure from my doctor's to boost, but I'm suspicious by nature of fear mongering. I see it as divisive, and there was plenty of that. Also a "wait and see what happens" kind of gal. Haven't liked what I've seen. They would have to physically hold me down to get another jab in me .

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My gut feeling and resistance to the jab started in 2020. When the virus hit and everyone insisted it came from a bat or pangolin or snake but did not have evidence I knew there was something very wrong going on. Then, no one would speak of boosting your immune system with vital hormone D. Then ivermectin was bad mouthed by Rachel Maddow. Then the announcement that in months a jab would be available and it was. Alarm bells were ringing all along. I have no science background just intuition.

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It really was maybe the most important thing that happened in my whole life.

For I'd spent my life happily oblivious to all such questions: which I might sum up as 'the validity of our prevailing narrative of ourselves'.

It was all 'by accident'.

I was idly taken by the Trump thing. I couldn't understand the vitriolic hatred of him coming out of the USA. That got me hooked on Youtube vids and googling questions on the web.

That segued into googling an viewing about Covid.

That led in quick time to Prof John Ioannidis and his clear statements of what was going on.

And right there is where the prevailing narrative (and hysteria and illegal manipulation of the populace and widespread malfeasance) diverged from logic, reason, sense, data.

I couldn't avoid seeing that.

But I was astonished and stayed with it.

And it just got worse and worse and worse.

Like a fissure appearing in the ice or something.

To today where nothing has been healed. The fissure remains. And reason, truth, honesty are split off from the mainstream as a minor aberrant fraction and the main mass floats on - a massive island of clear insanity, a 'ship of fools' with no one at the helm, doing it knows not what simply at the bequest of the vast Corporation of arms profiteers etc. that is Corporate America.

We all are one small step away now, at any time, from city wide - nation wide - lockdowns such as Shanghai.

All of us. The whole world.

Sword of Damocles hanging over our heads.

I think it is very, very desperate, the situation.

I think we need to turn our attention away from the so called 'leaders' who are merely shills for the corporations and away from the MSM which is the same and concentrate on ourselves, each other.

For come the edict and the 'Shanghai solution' it is from the ranks of our own selves that the people will come who will enforce that edict and will lock us up and imprison us and punish us and control us and exert the will of the insane authorities on us.

They win every time - every time - simply because they don't exert their will on us, they get US to exert THEIR will on US.

We do it to ourselves.

And I see our only hope as being so self conscious, so awake to ourselves, our group identity, that we refuse to do it to ourselves.

All our police forces and military forces are corrupt far beyond the corruption we deride 'banana republics' and such for.

For there they take a bribe to let you avoid a fine, or to even get out of jail, or to get a licence for something - nearly all things that work towards facilitating the free expression of people's will.

That's mere 'economic corruption'.

But we have robotic police forces and military forces that immediately become inhuman once donning the uniforms.

'upholding the law' they proudly state. 'doing my duty' they proudly state.

And it is no exaggeration to say that they would imprison their own mothers for something as trivial as, perhaps, not wearing a fucking totally useless face mask, or they would fire grenades into their own mother's apartment building when told to.

You see what I mean?

Our forces are morally corrupt in this sense to the maximum degree.

The contract is: you can have this job but you must renounce your humanity and perform entirely as a robotic functionary.

And they do.

And it is wrong.

And every mother and father and every friend should proclaim that to every child and friend and we must abide instead by the mantra that we should 'do unto others as we would have them do unto us'.

And when those totally insane overlords command us to do their will and turn on each other we should simply not comply and instead should seize them and submit them to correctional therapy somewhere, somehow.

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