The narcissistic, smothering dark mother thing that she has going on disturbs me to no end -- much more than Sleepy Joe's dementia and Trudeau's whiny fits. It's easy for me to laugh at the latter two. It's very hard for me to laugh at Ardern.
The narcissistic, smothering dark mother thing that she has going on disturbs me to no end -- much more than Sleepy Joe's dementia and Trudeau's whiny fits. It's easy for me to laugh at the latter two. It's very hard for me to laugh at Ardern.
The narcissistic, smothering dark mother thing that she has going on disturbs me to no end -- much more than Sleepy Joe's dementia and Trudeau's whiny fits. It's easy for me to laugh at the latter two. It's very hard for me to laugh at Ardern.
Yes she’s definitely creepy and as my kids would say, cringey.