I'd like to punch that bucktoothed Ardern in the face and I hope someday, someone will. She threw every Kiwi under the bus for her cultish cause---at the very least. I hope and pray she was that stupid because 1) it's easier to swallow than her being that evil and 2) it means she took 2 or 3 of the clot shots herself.
That's a great article. It struck me that even the most detailed descriptions of her agenda are eerily similar to that of Biden, Trudeau, and other EU leaders---obviously straight out of a global playbook. The psyop, the lies, the deliberate divisiveness, the talk about doing good, but deliberately doing bad instead (i.e. the gaslighting)--down to the tee. And the fact that thousands of lives have been lost as a result.
Imagine if these folks--she and her counterparts around the globe, could all be captured at the same time and displaced.
The narcissistic, smothering dark mother thing that she has going on disturbs me to no end -- much more than Sleepy Joe's dementia and Trudeau's whiny fits. It's easy for me to laugh at the latter two. It's very hard for me to laugh at Ardern.
China has been aggressively driving a 30-year trading agreement with NZ. China counts on Western/ized nations to follow the rules, hence the Belt and Road high interest rate "loans" for infrastructure and especially ports. China won't extend payment dates and now owns Mombasa's port. NZ is where the Clinton/Cabal/elitists have mansion-bunkers. Remember Bill Clinton gave away our nuclear tech to China? Somehow not merely nuclear power plants but missile tech. All the pay for play deals. Clinton Foundation, which is expanding its "Initiatives" again. All these DemoKKKrats that are back to openly looting and flaunting their impunity. With Killary, the plan was to drop low level nukes in 2-5 American cities, blame NoKo, then remove the USG to NZ. The plan had been to do that at the end of, or the beginning of her second term. Trump was going to throw the timetable off, so they stole an election. A bioweapon was going to be involved, originally scheduled for 2025 but oops, SARS2 happened although they'd planned for it to be more lethal than it is. The sellouts are convinced China will deal kindly with them; they do not understand how Marxism work, who is rewarded and who is executed. Obama is running Biden, because Jarrett and he want worldwide Jihad, hence there are a million or so hardened jihadists trafficked into the U.S., given orientation and training at more remote military bases in TX then settled in cities to await the call. They will be what instigates Martial Law. The nukes will be blamed on Russia. Odd how Clinton and Kerry approved the sale of our highest-grade uranium to Russia. They also approved the sale of Henniges to China, brokered by Hunter's firms, that also own chunks of Metabiota which holds most of the subcontracts with U.S. foreign sited biolabs. Hunter's companies also have a great deal of China investment.
I'd like to punch that bucktoothed Ardern in the face and I hope someday, someone will. She threw every Kiwi under the bus for her cultish cause---at the very least. I hope and pray she was that stupid because 1) it's easier to swallow than her being that evil and 2) it means she took 2 or 3 of the clot shots herself.
Nope, she actually is evil:
Sadly, I've come to the conclusion that you are right.
That's a great article. It struck me that even the most detailed descriptions of her agenda are eerily similar to that of Biden, Trudeau, and other EU leaders---obviously straight out of a global playbook. The psyop, the lies, the deliberate divisiveness, the talk about doing good, but deliberately doing bad instead (i.e. the gaslighting)--down to the tee. And the fact that thousands of lives have been lost as a result.
Imagine if these folks--she and her counterparts around the globe, could all be captured at the same time and displaced.
The narcissistic, smothering dark mother thing that she has going on disturbs me to no end -- much more than Sleepy Joe's dementia and Trudeau's whiny fits. It's easy for me to laugh at the latter two. It's very hard for me to laugh at Ardern.
Yes she’s definitely creepy and as my kids would say, cringey.
China has been aggressively driving a 30-year trading agreement with NZ. China counts on Western/ized nations to follow the rules, hence the Belt and Road high interest rate "loans" for infrastructure and especially ports. China won't extend payment dates and now owns Mombasa's port. NZ is where the Clinton/Cabal/elitists have mansion-bunkers. Remember Bill Clinton gave away our nuclear tech to China? Somehow not merely nuclear power plants but missile tech. All the pay for play deals. Clinton Foundation, which is expanding its "Initiatives" again. All these DemoKKKrats that are back to openly looting and flaunting their impunity. With Killary, the plan was to drop low level nukes in 2-5 American cities, blame NoKo, then remove the USG to NZ. The plan had been to do that at the end of, or the beginning of her second term. Trump was going to throw the timetable off, so they stole an election. A bioweapon was going to be involved, originally scheduled for 2025 but oops, SARS2 happened although they'd planned for it to be more lethal than it is. The sellouts are convinced China will deal kindly with them; they do not understand how Marxism work, who is rewarded and who is executed. Obama is running Biden, because Jarrett and he want worldwide Jihad, hence there are a million or so hardened jihadists trafficked into the U.S., given orientation and training at more remote military bases in TX then settled in cities to await the call. They will be what instigates Martial Law. The nukes will be blamed on Russia. Odd how Clinton and Kerry approved the sale of our highest-grade uranium to Russia. They also approved the sale of Henniges to China, brokered by Hunter's firms, that also own chunks of Metabiota which holds most of the subcontracts with U.S. foreign sited biolabs. Hunter's companies also have a great deal of China investment.
Where did you get your information that this was the plan?