OMG they are really stretching now. I remain amazed at people I know and respect who do not think it odd that a 20-something young woman had a stroke just after the jabs came out (survived). Or the cancer that came roaring back (RIP). Or the unexpected heart attack (RIP). Or the other cancer (RIP). Or the fall (RIP). Or the other cancer …
OMG they are really stretching now. I remain amazed at people I know and respect who do not think it odd that a 20-something young woman had a stroke just after the jabs came out (survived). Or the cancer that came roaring back (RIP). Or the unexpected heart attack (RIP). Or the other cancer (RIP). Or the fall (RIP). Or the other cancer (recovering from surgery). Or the other cancer (chemo). It just does not stop.
OMG they are really stretching now. I remain amazed at people I know and respect who do not think it odd that a 20-something young woman had a stroke just after the jabs came out (survived). Or the cancer that came roaring back (RIP). Or the unexpected heart attack (RIP). Or the other cancer (RIP). Or the fall (RIP). Or the other cancer (recovering from surgery). Or the other cancer (chemo). It just does not stop.
Or that two month olds are having heart attacks an hour after the shot:
Two different friends have granddaughters who have Myocarditis now. They are in their early twenties. Not a coincidence! Jab caused!
😡 😡 😡
BTW, I found that a tad more compelling/terrifying since it’s usually young males we hear about with Myocarditis. But no denying its truthfulness!