Those sociopathic a-holes. Yeah, right. Coffee. Which, suddenly, with no warning, after over a century and a half of massive popularity and consumption across the entire planet, with only insomnia and jitters for the over-imbibers, is suddenly causing blood clots. And, although they don't report this, ONLY in the C19 vaccinated. Isn't t…
Those sociopathic a-holes. Yeah, right. Coffee. Which, suddenly, with no warning, after over a century and a half of massive popularity and consumption across the entire planet, with only insomnia and jitters for the over-imbibers, is suddenly causing blood clots. And, although they don't report this, ONLY in the C19 vaccinated. Isn't that bizarre? Isn't that amazing? Shouldn't we... I dunno... like, research and verify that hypothesis? Or, no, not a hypothesis; it comes from a Trusted News Source. So... FACT. No need to go any further. I'm convinced. Because SCIENCE.
Those sociopathic a-holes. Yeah, right. Coffee. Which, suddenly, with no warning, after over a century and a half of massive popularity and consumption across the entire planet, with only insomnia and jitters for the over-imbibers, is suddenly causing blood clots. And, although they don't report this, ONLY in the C19 vaccinated. Isn't that bizarre? Isn't that amazing? Shouldn't we... I dunno... like, research and verify that hypothesis? Or, no, not a hypothesis; it comes from a Trusted News Source. So... FACT. No need to go any further. I'm convinced. Because SCIENCE.
Oh…didn’t you hear? Filling and spreading a duvet can give you a heart attack????
That HAS melted my patience and boiled it away, I hate duvets!
ANYTHING but the one new elephant in the room, breaking furniture, crushing people, and trumpeting loudly.