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There's a fourth possibility to explain the Shanghai lockdowns: it's cover for shutting down the port, which is being done to wage economic warfare against the US without admitting that's what they're doing.

But tbh I find the hypothesis that the CCP has gotten carried away with Zero Covid to be more plausible.

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The economic war theory is my front runner tbh. Worth considering that China plans 25 & 50 years ahead whereas in the west we are more conditioned to watch ministers reacting to events rather than planning anything. That reframing makes all the difference.

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I don't find economic warfare at all implausible per se. It just seems like a draconian 40-day lockdown of 25 million people is going unnecessarily far to keep the deception going. On the other hand, look at Chinese history: the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, hell even the construction of the Great Wall or the destruction of the Treasure Fleet - all of these indicate a cultural propensity for full-scale mobilization behind often-dubious goals that can be pursued out of all proportion to their actual benefits (and with no mind paid to the costs).

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Perhaps it is all part of a "War Game Simulation" which is to research the real effects and model the needed changes for real Global Thermonuclear War?

The "One Clenched Fist" theory is much more than just theory.

International Communist Revolution at work.

Folks, the plan has not changed since around 1960.

Read тАЬNew Lies for OldтАЭ by Anatoliy Golitsyn.


тАЬThere seem to be three possible scenarios around which the history

of the next half century will be written:

In the first, communism, meeting neither ideological nor political resistance from the West, continues along its present course to disarmament, then to convergence with the West on its own terms, and so to world domination.

In the second, the West realizes in time the nature of the communist threat, solves its own national problems, unites the noncom-munist world, and adopts a policy of open competition between the two systems; as a result, the peoples of the communist bloc repudiate their leaders and the communist empire disintegrates.

The third scenario resembles the second except that both systems remain intact and competition continues for a very long time.

And who shall say that unrelenting competition between two opposing systems of government, each secured by the nuclear deter- rent, would not prove fruitful? But where are the statesmen who will recognize this path to possible safety and guide their peoples along it?тАЭ

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Scenario 4 is hidden forces control all major powers and as someone said, "Nothing that happens in politics was not planned that way" or something like that.

The danger to us regular folk is two fold, one: we do not know their plan, not really, we just think we do from what we see happening and two: we are nearly powerless to resist unless we come together, stop infighting and collaborate to solve the problem by taking bite sized chunks faster than the hidden forces can counter us.

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Some would say we are in the first, others would say the third with the rise of China and the Russian Nuclear Modernization.

There may be a fourth, where all the world's Intel Agencies are united behind even their own government's backs. Putin did arrest, imprison, and possibly even execute FSB (KGB) agents that worked with the CIA in the Russia Collusion Hoax.

However, Anatoiliy Golitsyn and James Jesus Angleton (chief of counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 1954 to 1974) were discredited by the CIA and they elected to not recognize any long range Soviet plan, possibly because they thought the could turn the Chinese with Kissinger's "Nixon goes to China" plan which should by now be obviously one of Communism's greatest victories if not the greatest Intel Op in world history.

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Well, it is certainly the case that 'intelligence services' are and have always, at least in part, answered to their corporate overlords rather than to Govt. As a matter of fact even before they officially existed as we know them today their origins were rooted in corporate interests. During WW1 the only US State Dept. intelligence officer in the middle east was one William Yale, an employee of Standard Oil, alumni of Yale Uni and ancestor of its founders. Everything you need to know right there, not much has changed with 'official' status.

I see 'intelligence services' as subversion and coercion operatives rather than decision makers. They do other peoples bidding.

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But they are above oversight.

As an example, the NSA is more concerned with their budget than any other issue and its activities support that assertion.

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All we can hope to so is cut off the heads of Medusa's snakes faster than they grow back. Not an easy task but just waiting we will all turn to stone.

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That's not likely. China is highly dependent on their exports and the revenue from those exports. They already have a bubble debt crisis and a declining GDP. That means fewer people improving their standard of living. Xi depends on a population more or less happy with his rule. I suspect they are caught in the trap of zero covid and think fear of covid will protect their actions. Remember the Chinese and most other places don't get the information from places like these SubStacks. Most Americans are clueless as well as they mask in their cars.

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I've heard another one, from a Chinese recently from China.

She claims it is a power play between the 'Shanghai Gang' and the Govt of Xi Jinping.

The 'shanghai gang' being, of course, ex leader Jiang Zemin and his adherents.

She claims that China is not at all as the West sees it: one monolithic structure, wholly CCP nicely structured and all in accord smoothly rising from the broad base to the powerful at the top.

Rather she sees it as a collection of fiefdoms, perhaps and fiefdoms with a large measure of autonomy.

No question of upstart 'power blocks' or such just asking to be chopped down to size as disturbing the even background of the nation.

No: more of this is 'background of the nation', this IS its structure. Begin to attack one and destroy its local power and you disturb and frighten all the others.

So they don't get attacked. It is the system. Everyone (except us) knows it. And it persists, condoned and accepted.

Like the lords of England behind the Magna Charta. Like, perhaps the oligarchs of Russia.

But there's some kind of issue between Xi Jinping and Jiang Zemin. I don't know what. But by doing this Jiang demonstrates his power.

Xi showed he had power to almost destroy USA and the west with a mere scare story.

Jiang demonstrates he can almost destroy USA and the west quite directly by shutting down 30 million people and world trade (large part of).


More and more we peasants learn the world is not as we thought.

Power blocks are in fact what it often is about, we see that now.

And somehow the truth is always kept from us. Miraculously. Incredibly. Considering the thousands ( millions ? ) of press people around the world and modern communications and instant access to data - somehow all those eyes and voices are shutdown and we hear nothing.

Did you, does the world, hear of the donbas shale gas factor in the Ukraine war? Nope All we ever hear is 'Russians bad monsters, kill Russians'.

That's how it is.

Power blocks. Manipulation. Censorship. Ignorance.

p.s. Later edit: I told my friend of this post. She says I am not correct. The majority of China, she says IS 'monolithic'. With some exceptions perhaps it is mainly just Shanghai with Jiang Zemin against Xi Jinping are the 'players' in this.

I stand corrected. However I do remember my four years in China and everywhere I went there were almost fortified large compounds containing perhaps factories, perhaps schools, universities, mines, whatever - and all, I was told, belonging to local rich and powerful men who did essentially as they wished.

In the intervening years since then I've understood Xi Jinping as being engaged in 'levelling' these 'local lords' with mixed measures of success.

So right now I'm inclined to think maybe it's true and maybe it's not and maybe it's half true. That China is 'fiefdoms'. And that the Shanghai lockdown is all attributable to the will of Jiang Zemin I'm inclined to think is true.

Very happy to get knowledgeable input to the question.

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