Thanks for the clarification, Monica. I am banging on these days about getting the language right. I like to say shots NEVER 'provide protection'.
If I punch a wooden plank does that protect my hand?
No way. It injures it.
So why do karate (is it?) people punch wooden planks?
Because in RESPONSE TO THE INJURY the hand develops callus…
Thanks for the clarification, Monica. I am banging on these days about getting the language right. I like to say shots NEVER 'provide protection'.
If I punch a wooden plank does that protect my hand?
No way. It injures it.
So why do karate (is it?) people punch wooden planks?
Because in RESPONSE TO THE INJURY the hand develops calluses (a deformation and injury in itself) and is better able to withstand that injury in the future.
That's the analogous mechanism, isn't it?
It's not: 'vaccine provides protection'
It's 'Vaccine injury makes your immune system (hopefully) (marginally) better at the price of unknown consequences.
Isn't it?
And in the case of Pfizer according to their own report the 'marginally better' was of the order of 0.1%.
In this context I would like to know the estimated or perhaps actually measured (though I'm damned if i know how they could do it ) normal daily variation in immune system efficacy.
Daily. Weekly. Seasonally.
For wouldn't that be something if the normal variation in any time period were greater than 0.1% ?
And then a measure of the variation when necessary mineral and vitamins etc. are below optimum levels. What variation with melatonin down say, 5%?
And for the psychologists what variation when the spirits are low and depression, say, sets in?
And what variation commensurate on various illnesses?
And even more dramatic - what variation commensurate on various MEDICINES ? For I've read over the past two years that antibiotics themselves reduce the efficacy of the immune system! Antibiotics ! Astounding contention to a layman like me. Until I realise antibiotics just get in there and kill everything, anything within their sphere of action - 'good' and 'bad' alike.
What when all these factors are acting in concert? What variation then?
There should be three prominent actors on the stage in this theatre production:
a viral threat, the immune system and vaccines.
The narrative of Big Pharma and Dumb Govt. has managed to reduce the actors to two.
They have removed the immune System entirely.
And 'our side' goes along with it tacitly, even overtly. Every time we sit down and in all seriousness debate the level of supposed efficacy of a vaccine we're quite overtly concurring with the contention that vaccines do have some 'efficacy'.
And that's not fair and not right. They have none.
Not there. Not in that realm.
They DO have an 'efficacy' but it must be measured in terms of their operation and that operation is to ATTACK and provoke a response.
So you could say such and such a vaccine is even 150% efficacious if its target were, say, to produce x quantity of spike protein swamping the body and in fact it produced 1.5x.
These injections do multiple things. I’m not going to go into detail here as is this is the focus of others who are doing the work (Bridle, Malone, Bossche, Rose, etc.). Some of them have slight side agreements and I’m not sure who is right. I also differ with some of these people on what I think the utiity of mRNA tech is.
My suspicion based on the numbers we have seen from many countries is that there is a potential for the current crop of poison vaccines to protect from covid for a brief window after the 2 week initial window when a person is jabbed. Kind of like how chemotherapy "works", if it doesn't kill you.
There’s a little too much surety and dogma in the anti-vax community for me. Reminds me of the pro vaxxers and charismatic religious people I was raised by. Dogma is not a path to truth.
I am never going to make people happy with the language I use because the community is too fractured. Some will go off for saying there is a virus. Others for saying vaccines are useful in some instances. Etc. and so on.
Everyone has their own beliefs.
My focus on this Substack is just to make sure that I am pointing out things that nobody else is paying attention to... such as that there is the potential for larger, sharp objects to form after injection, and this poses a unique challenge to our physiology. To my knowledge, there are few people pointing to this.
Another focus of mine is to show that medical tyranny has been going on a long time in the US and in regions where US pharmaceutical companies operate overseas. The US military has also been poisoning people for decades: my mother for sure and possibly my husband are victims. (I can't seem to find enough time to write these stories, but they help us to understand how we arrived at the current point.)
I'm fairly principled and ideological. I'm a libertarian in a loose sense, so I don't care if people want to poison themselves. If they do that, it helps the rest of us learn, and life can't be any other way. I'm a "the guardrails should be taken off the roads" type person. The guardrails (the FDA, TGA, Medsafe) are what got us here. People really need to understand this in life: they are on their own. Playing with Big Pharma products is like buying a used car from a shady dealer.
I just want greater awareness of that, the powers that be probably now controlling pharma, and I want the coercion and force to stop.
Hi.... yep, that's all fine. I hope i didn't give you the impression I was aiming at your personal expression or 'english' or whatever.
I was not. Am not. Do not. Will not.
I am simply trying to say there's an enormous fundamental misapprehension on the part of the masses and we carelessly often condone and even promote that misapprehension.
Vaccines do not offer protection. Simple as that. And the phrase should not be allowed to pass, I believe.
Vaccines provoke your immune system in the hopes of improving its response is the truth and perhaps sometimes this works and for sure sometimes it does not and it always comes at some price. Is a further truth.
But that's 'further detail'. Need not be got into.
The fundamental is: Vaccines do NOT 'provide protection'. The Immune System does.
And specific anti-virals when the govt is not prohibiting their use.
Vaccines do NOT protect. Unvaxed does NOT equal 'unprotected', it could well mean precisely the opposit.
Thanks for the clarification, Monica. I am banging on these days about getting the language right. I like to say shots NEVER 'provide protection'.
If I punch a wooden plank does that protect my hand?
No way. It injures it.
So why do karate (is it?) people punch wooden planks?
Because in RESPONSE TO THE INJURY the hand develops calluses (a deformation and injury in itself) and is better able to withstand that injury in the future.
That's the analogous mechanism, isn't it?
It's not: 'vaccine provides protection'
It's 'Vaccine injury makes your immune system (hopefully) (marginally) better at the price of unknown consequences.
Isn't it?
And in the case of Pfizer according to their own report the 'marginally better' was of the order of 0.1%.
In this context I would like to know the estimated or perhaps actually measured (though I'm damned if i know how they could do it ) normal daily variation in immune system efficacy.
Daily. Weekly. Seasonally.
For wouldn't that be something if the normal variation in any time period were greater than 0.1% ?
And then a measure of the variation when necessary mineral and vitamins etc. are below optimum levels. What variation with melatonin down say, 5%?
And for the psychologists what variation when the spirits are low and depression, say, sets in?
And what variation commensurate on various illnesses?
And even more dramatic - what variation commensurate on various MEDICINES ? For I've read over the past two years that antibiotics themselves reduce the efficacy of the immune system! Antibiotics ! Astounding contention to a layman like me. Until I realise antibiotics just get in there and kill everything, anything within their sphere of action - 'good' and 'bad' alike.
What when all these factors are acting in concert? What variation then?
There should be three prominent actors on the stage in this theatre production:
a viral threat, the immune system and vaccines.
The narrative of Big Pharma and Dumb Govt. has managed to reduce the actors to two.
They have removed the immune System entirely.
And 'our side' goes along with it tacitly, even overtly. Every time we sit down and in all seriousness debate the level of supposed efficacy of a vaccine we're quite overtly concurring with the contention that vaccines do have some 'efficacy'.
And that's not fair and not right. They have none.
Not there. Not in that realm.
They DO have an 'efficacy' but it must be measured in terms of their operation and that operation is to ATTACK and provoke a response.
So you could say such and such a vaccine is even 150% efficacious if its target were, say, to produce x quantity of spike protein swamping the body and in fact it produced 1.5x.
That's as far a vaccine 'efficacy' goes.
These injections do multiple things. I’m not going to go into detail here as is this is the focus of others who are doing the work (Bridle, Malone, Bossche, Rose, etc.). Some of them have slight side agreements and I’m not sure who is right. I also differ with some of these people on what I think the utiity of mRNA tech is.
My suspicion based on the numbers we have seen from many countries is that there is a potential for the current crop of poison vaccines to protect from covid for a brief window after the 2 week initial window when a person is jabbed. Kind of like how chemotherapy "works", if it doesn't kill you.
There’s a little too much surety and dogma in the anti-vax community for me. Reminds me of the pro vaxxers and charismatic religious people I was raised by. Dogma is not a path to truth.
I am never going to make people happy with the language I use because the community is too fractured. Some will go off for saying there is a virus. Others for saying vaccines are useful in some instances. Etc. and so on.
Everyone has their own beliefs.
My focus on this Substack is just to make sure that I am pointing out things that nobody else is paying attention to... such as that there is the potential for larger, sharp objects to form after injection, and this poses a unique challenge to our physiology. To my knowledge, there are few people pointing to this.
Another focus of mine is to show that medical tyranny has been going on a long time in the US and in regions where US pharmaceutical companies operate overseas. The US military has also been poisoning people for decades: my mother for sure and possibly my husband are victims. (I can't seem to find enough time to write these stories, but they help us to understand how we arrived at the current point.)
I'm fairly principled and ideological. I'm a libertarian in a loose sense, so I don't care if people want to poison themselves. If they do that, it helps the rest of us learn, and life can't be any other way. I'm a "the guardrails should be taken off the roads" type person. The guardrails (the FDA, TGA, Medsafe) are what got us here. People really need to understand this in life: they are on their own. Playing with Big Pharma products is like buying a used car from a shady dealer.
I just want greater awareness of that, the powers that be probably now controlling pharma, and I want the coercion and force to stop.
Hi.... yep, that's all fine. I hope i didn't give you the impression I was aiming at your personal expression or 'english' or whatever.
I was not. Am not. Do not. Will not.
I am simply trying to say there's an enormous fundamental misapprehension on the part of the masses and we carelessly often condone and even promote that misapprehension.
Vaccines do not offer protection. Simple as that. And the phrase should not be allowed to pass, I believe.
Vaccines provoke your immune system in the hopes of improving its response is the truth and perhaps sometimes this works and for sure sometimes it does not and it always comes at some price. Is a further truth.
But that's 'further detail'. Need not be got into.
The fundamental is: Vaccines do NOT 'provide protection'. The Immune System does.
And specific anti-virals when the govt is not prohibiting their use.
Vaccines do NOT protect. Unvaxed does NOT equal 'unprotected', it could well mean precisely the opposit.